Monday, October 11, 2010

Obama notes private sector job growth, rips GOP
By Alan Silverleib

Main ideas:
      Obama gave positive estimation on the Labor Department's report. He said American people should cooperate together to fight against the economy crisis, and it is going to take a long time to get out of the depression. However, Democrats' biggest rival - Republicans opposed Obama's decision, and pointed out that adding tax cuts on the wealthier people would not help economy.

Personal perspectives:
      In my opinion, every single party stands for its own reason, so do the two parties in U.S. I am not going to judge whether their decision will be correct not, since I haven't got enough knowledge in economy and politics. Among the American people, their opinions tend to Democrats, because Republicans has done lots of things that disappointed American people. However, I think the authentic judge is the history, because history can reveal whether the economy is growing or not. 
      I am actually standing in a moderate position. Human needs to develop their own path to seek the good method of helping the economy growing, and we need cooperate together. I hope American people can figure out a way to deal with the recession.

1. Depression:a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment
2. Democrat: a member of the Democratic Party
3. Republican: relating to or belonging to the Republican Party
4. rally: conference

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